Yin to Yang Awakening to Spring Workshop As we begin to see the first signs of nature reawakening from its winter hibernation with snow drops appearing and longer days we to feel this shift and an urge to change our winter routines so we can welcome in this new lighter energy. The Yin to yang […]
Tag Archives: mindfulnes
3 Simple steps to a calmer life By Maria Kelly on 2nd May 2016 Step 1. Take a deep breath…. Breathing – it’s simple enough, we do it all the time and without much thought. This automatic breathing will get you through the day sure enough, however deep conscious breathing will lead you […]
Still point meditation or Trataka in Sanskrit means to look or to gaze at an external object often a candle flame or the point (bindu) at the centre of a Shri Yantra. Fixing your gaze upon something and concentrating on this single point is a form of meditation and can help to develop concentration, increase […]